
Procurement Management System

Naval Store Sub Depot (NSSD), Dhaka required a procurement management system that should match the scale demands of naval supply chain. UnlockLive IT's custom-designed online procurement system for the NSSD, Dhaka streamlined the procurement lifecycle, from requisition to fulfillment of delivery to the user end. Built with the robustness of .NET and the agility of React, our system ensured seamless supplier interactions and provided the Navy procurement department with a dashboard for comprehensive oversight. The result was enhanced operational efficiency and a procurement process that upheld the Navy's standards for transparency and accountability.

Task: Build a software for modern workforce management with user-friendly features.

Brand Strategy, Ux Strategy

Client Info:

Naval Store Sub Depot, Dhaka

Tools Used:

Bootstrap, Yii2, Mysql, HTMl, CSS, JavaScript

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The main challenges of personnel management systems are:

  1. 1 Scale of Operations: Managing the extensive naval procurement processes involving multiple stakeholders and high transaction volumes.
  2. 2 Security Requirements: High security levels are crucial to protect sensitive procurement data from potential breaches.
  3. 3 Inefficiencies in the Procurement Lifecycle: Cumbersome manual processes previously caused delays in procurement activities.
  4. 4 Supplier Management and Transparency Issues: Difficulties in managing multiple suppliers and a lack of transparency affected procurement efficiency and accountability.

Some of the common solutions in standard employee management software are:

  1. 1 Robust Yii2 Backend: Utilizes the Yii2 framework for secure and efficient management of complex procurement data.
  2. 2 Dynamic React Frontend: Enhances user interaction with an agile and responsive interface, simplifying procurement tasks.
  3. 3 Automated Procurement Processes: Automates the full procurement lifecycle to minimize errors and reduce manual workload.
  4. 4 Integrated Systems for Better Management: Includes an integrated supplier interface and a comprehensive oversight dashboard to streamline communications and enhance decision-making.
  1. 1 Enhanced Operational Efficiency: Streamlined procurement processes significantly reduce time and resource use, boosting efficiency.
  2. 2 Strengthened Security and Supplier Relations: Advanced security measures protect sensitive data and enhance supplier relationships.
  3. 3 Increased Transparency: Comprehensive tracking and reporting capabilities ensure greater transparency and accountability.
  4. 4 Strategic Decision-Making Support: Real-time data and analytics enable strategic decisions, optimizing procurement management.

By detailing these challenges, solutions, and impacts, the narrative for Naval Store Sub Depot, Dhaka procurement system illustrates how UnlockLive IT is custom-designed solution has optimized the procurement processes of the Bangladesh Navy. This transformation not only improved efficiency and security but also supported strategic decision-making and enhanced supplier relationships, thereby maintaining the Navy's high standards of transparency and accountability.

Tags : Application, Branding, Digital


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